Smilow Smilow designed and sold furniture in New York from the late 1940’s. Chris and Val had been collecting his chairs for years without knowing for sure who the designer was, until they were introduced to his daughter Judy Smilow. At that time Judy was selling the mid-century modern family home she grew up in to buyers who turned out to be Karen Davidov and Henry Myerberg. ReGeneration has been inspired by Henry Myerberg Architects, with whom Chris once worked, since the store began. This happy coincidence came about just as Judy Smilow was working on reintroducing her father’s designs, the originals of which reGeneration had stocked in its vintage collection for years. After meeting with Judy Smilow, Chris and Val were happy to finally resolve that it was Mel Smilow who designed their favorite rush lounge chair and leather webbed dining chairs, and quickly started working on promoting and exhibiting the launch of Smilow Design at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair in 2013. ReGeneration is thrilled to offer Smilow Designs in their store.
Enduring Style and quality.
Modern designs